Delivering Energy Performance Contracting to commercial and public buildings at scale

Project funding
What is DeliveREE?
DeliveREE is an innovative project delivery structure for energy efficiency and low-carbon projects in the Dublin region using performance-based contracts. DeliveREE will accelerate the formation of large-scale projects by standardising the project development process, allowing projects of various types and sizes to be aggregated to create scale. This enables the use of energy supply contracts and Energy Performance Contracts (EPCs) to achieve value for money and guaranteed CO2 emissions savings.
Through the EU Horizon programme, DeliveREE provides funding of €1.2 million to test and develop a one-stop-shop project implementation unit for energy-efficient and renewable energy projects in Dublin. This includes over €20 million worth of upgrades to council buildings and sites in the region, such as leisure centres, fire stations, theatres, libraries, offices and community buildings.
Benefits of using DeliveREE
An innovative finance and delivery system
Aggregation of projects
Removes legal and administrative barriers
'One-stop-shop’ support for project owners in Dublin
'One-stop-shop' for large commercial and public buildings
Diverse expert project team
Long-term, guaranteed energy savings
Financial benefits
What is Energy Performance Contracting?
Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) is the provision of energy services with a guaranteed outcome. It is a form of a Design, Build, Operate and Maintain (DBOM) contract. With an EPC, the contractor – sometimes referred to as an Energy Services Company (ESCo) – takes full responsibility for the design and installation of a particular energy or carbon saving measure in return for a share of the potential cost savings arising from that measure.
The payments to the contractor are based on the resulting measured savings; if the savings are higher than expected, they get paid more, but if they are less then they are paid less. The contractor generally looks after the necessary maintenance or replacement of the works (at their own expense) during the contract term. EPCs are multi-annual contracts, which include an installation works period, followed by an ongoing services or maintenance period.
Learn more about Energy Performance ContractingOur DeliveREE EPC projects
The DeliveREE project includes a pipeline of Dublin Local Authority buildings, and aims to deliver several signed Energy Performance Contracts to a value of over €20 million. The total energy savings are expected to be in the region of at least 24 GWh, amounting to 3.97 kt CO2 savings. There has been substantial progress on the following three projects in Dublin, which are now proceeding to the procurement stage.
South Dublin County Council Arthurstown Landfill solar PV
South Dublin County Council's buildings EPC
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council's buildings EPC
Project resources
A Guide to Energy Performance Contracting (PDF)
Webinar: The Benefits of EPC and its Role in Ireland
EPC pre-assessment tool
DeliveREE Guidance Document (PDF)
Sign up to our DeliveREE Community of Best Practice
Join our DeliveREE LinkedIn group
Presentation: Upscaling Sustainable Energy Investments using DeliveREE
Codema's DeliveREE team
Joe Hayden
Executive Manager - Project Implementation
Joe Hayden
Executive Manager - Project Implementation
Emily Clarke
Energy Engineer
Emily Clarke
Energy Engineer
Eoin Ahern
Senior Energy Engineer / Transport and Renewables Lead
Eoin Ahern
Senior Energy Engineer / Transport and Renewables Lead
Adam Doyle
Energy Engineer
Adam Doyle
Energy Engineer
Ruari Mulvenna
Low-Carbon Project Engineer
Ruari Mulvenna
Low-Carbon Project Engineer
Eli Babei
Assistant Project and Resource Manager
Eli Babei
Assistant Project and Resource Manager
Prior to her work with Codema, Eli worked with several not-for-profit organisations within fundraising and strategic engagement and outreach.
Eli holds a MA in European Integration from the University of Limerick, a MA in Civil Law and BA in Public Law, both from the State University of Moldova.
Katia Tikhoniouk
Communications and Project Manager
Katia Tikhoniouk
Communications and Project Manager
Codema's other EPC projects
In 2016, Codema facilitated Ireland’s first local authority Energy Performance Contract (EPC) on behalf of Dublin City Council (DCC), for three of DCC’s leisure centres. Since then, Codema facilitated three further EPC projects with the Dublin Local Authorities.