REDAP presents a cross-sectoral approach to regional energy systems and has helped end-users to spatially visualise and better understand the characteristics of urban energy demand.


About the project

Codema is a partner in the REDAP (Regional Energy Demand Analysis Portal) project, which was approved under the 2018 European Research Area Network (ERA-Net) Smart Energy Systems fund and is supported by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland.

REDAP presents a cross-sectoral approach to regional energy systems and has helped end-users to spatially visualise and better understand the characteristics of urban energy demand. It combines GIS and machine learning technology with urban energy planning data to provide an integrated approach to energy and spatial planning. This in turn enables planners, policy-makers and investors to make more informed decisions relating to energy demand, energy efficiency and renewable energy alternatives, whilst also generating an increased evidence base to inform further project feasibility and implementation.

REDAP is being managed by an Irish-based partner, Spatial Outlook, and brings together public-sector focused ‘need owners’ including Codema, the City of Gothenburg Council and Energieagentur der Regionen in Austria. Project partners in REDAP are Spatial Outlook Ltd., Codema, ICHEC, AIT- Austrian Institute of Technology and Chalmers University of Technology.

REDAP has provided insight to end-users regarding the region’s building stock and to complement the static building-stock, the Austrian partner, AIT Mobility, has incorporated a process for analysing the dynamic energy demand of urban mobility systems across different routes and modes.

Project results

Integrated approach to energy and spatial planning
Enabled end-users to spatially visualise characteristics of urban energy demand
Insight into building stock and dynamic energy demand of urban mobility systems

Project team

Project Lead
Rebecca Cachia

Rebecca Cachia

Senior Energy Engineer / Emissions and Energy Planning Lead

01 707 9818 Read Rebecca Cachia’s Bio

Project resources