Home Energy Saving Kit

A set of easy tools you can borrow free of charge to help you take control of your home’s energy use.

2016 - Present
Image of the inside of a home energy saving kit showing tools like the thermal leak detector, fridge thermometre, radiator key, hygrometre and plug-in energy monitor

About the Home Energy Saving Kit

The award-winning Home Energy Saving Kit is available to borrow, free of charge, from over 200 public libraries across Ireland. The kit contains five tools to help you measure how your home is using energy, where energy might be escaping and how you can make easy changes to start saving right away

There is also an additional exercise to measure your water flow rate.

If you are a public library member, you can borrow the kit in much the same way as you borrow a book.

Find a kit at a library near you.

More about the Home Energy Saving Kit

Tools in the Home Energy Saving Kit

The five tools in the kit address areas of energy use in the home such as heating and insulation, hot water and electrical appliances.

Picture of the thermal leak detector in the Home Energy Saving Kit.

Thermal leak detector

The thermal leak detector measures heat loss and identifies areas to insulate in your home.
Picture of the plug-in energy monitor in the Home Energy Saving Kit.

Plug-in energy monitor

The plug-in energy monitor measures how much electricity your home appliances are using.
Picture of the temperature and humidity meter in the Home Energy Saving Kit.

Temperature and humidity meter

This temperature and humidity meter measures both the temperature and humidity level of each room in your home.
Picture of the radiator key in the Home Energy Saving Kit.

Radiator key

Use the radiator key to bleed your rads and make sure they are working as efficiently as possible.
Picture of the fridge-freezer thermometer in the Home Energy Saving Kit.

Fridge-freezer thermometer

The fridge-freezer thermometer accurately measures the temperature inside your fridge and freezer.
Picture of Home Energy Saving Kit being borrowed from a Dublin City Council library.

Find a kit near you

Find your nearest library where you can borrow the Home Energy Saving Kit free of charge.

Project results

582 kits available in libraries across Ireland
Picture of toolkit icon.
5 tools to test your home’s energy use
Available in over 200 public libraries across Ireland

Project team

Suzanne Fitzpatrick

Suzanne Fitzpatrick

Executive Manager - Communications and Marketing

086 865 2803 Read Suzanne Fitzpatrick’s Bio