Drogheda District Heating Feasibility Study

This feasibility study aims to explore the viability of a cost-effective, low-carbon district heating solution for Drogheda.

January - December 2025
Picture of Drogheda town

About the study

The Drogheda District Heating Feasibility Study, led by Codema on behalf of Meath and Louth County Councils, is a project aimed at exploring the viability of a cost-effective, low-carbon district heating solution for Drogheda.

This study seeks to assess the potential for using waste heat and renewable energy sources to provide reliable, affordable heating to the area, while contributing to Ireland’s carbon reduction goals.

Key objectives include:

  • Mapping out heat demand across the region, identifying viable energy supply options
  • Developing a stakeholder communication plan
  • Designing a scalable distribution network that aligns with local development plans

Codema's role in the project

Codema will undertake a comprehensive feasibility study, including:

  • Heat demand and supply assessments: Analyse the area’s current and projected heat demand and evaluate the suitability of local heat sources, such as waste heat from industrial processes and renewable sources
  • Network design and route evaluation: Determine the optimal pipe network routes and configurations, considering technical constraints, energy efficiency, and cost-effectiveness
  • Financial and sensitivity analyses: Develop financial models to evaluate project costs, revenues and potential risks, ensuring a robust business case
  • Stakeholder engagement: Collaborate with key stakeholders to collect essential data, build partnerships and ensure alignment with community needs

Project aims

Assess the viability of a cost-effective and sustainable district heating network
Identify optimal heat sources and network routes
Picture of report icon with check mark.
Develop a comprehensive stakeholder communication plan to ensure effective engagement

Project team

Project lead
Neil O’Leary

Neil O’Leary

Executive Manager - District Heating

01 707 9818 Read Neil O’Leary’s Bio
Alireza Etemad

Alireza Etemad

Graduate Energy Engineer

01 707 9818 Read Alireza Etemad’s Bio
Hannah Byrne

Hannah Byrne

Communications and Engagement Coordinator

01 707 9818 Read Hannah Byrne’s Bio