Baseline Emission Inventories for the Dublin region

Documenting energy use across sectors in Dublin to inform local climate policy.

May 2017 - March 2018
Picture of Dublin city.

About the project

In 2018, Codema has developed Baseline Emission Inventories for each of the four Dublin local authority areas, which have informed the Dublin Local Authorities on the mitigating actions needed to help Dublin become climate-resilient.

As signatories to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, in 2018, the four Dublin Local Authorities committed to reducing their CO2 emissions by at least 40% by 2030. As part of this commitment, Codema developed city and county-wide Baseline Emission Inventories for each of the four Dublin local authority areas. These inventories document the energy use for the residential, commercial, transport, municipal, waste and wastewater sectors (and agriculture, where appropriate) and show the impact that these sectors have on Ireland’s overall carbon emissions. The inventories have also been used to inform the local authorities’ Climate Change Action Plans, which detail the planned mitigation and adaptation actions that the Dublin region must take, in order to become climate resilient.

This analysis has also helped to advance energy and CO2 emission baseline methodologies in Ireland, so that they may be replicated by other local authorities across the country. This work follows on from a webinar and report that Codema produced to outline our step-by-step approach to calculating baseline emissions within the various sectors in Ireland. This work was funded under the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D) 2017 programme.

Project results

Picture of an emissions icon.
Baseline Emissions Inventory for the four Dublin Local Authorities
Picture of climate icon
Inform the Dublin Local Authorities’ Climate Change Action Plans
Picture of icon methodology.
A step-by-step guide so that methodologies can be replicated throughout Ireland

Project team

Project lead
Rebecca Cachia

Rebecca Cachia

Senior Energy Engineer / Emissions and Energy Planning Lead

01 707 9818 Read Rebecca Cachia’s Bio

Project partners and funders