Best-practice engagement
At Codema, we specialise in overcoming social, organisational, institutional and cultural barriers to climate action through innovative, transparent and inclusive public and stakeholder engagement.

At Codema – Dublin’s Energy Agency, we recognise that the barriers around climate action are often not technical but instead relate to the social, organisational, institutional and cultural challenges that need to be fully understood to make solutions a reality. We understand that we need to meaningfully engage with local stakeholders and the public and actively involve them in how we move Dublin away from fossil fuels. We do this through best-practice and innovative public engagement techniques, ensuring that the process is transparent, fair and inclusive and that the most marginalised communities can have their voices heard.
Zero Together
Zero Together brings together all the key sectors, stakeholders and communities across Dublin that are needed to help move our capital away from fossil fuels as soon as possible.
The Zero Together initiative aims to
- Provide a space for ongoing collaboration,
- Hold decision-makers to account, and
- Engage and include the people of Dublin in the move away towards clean energy sources, using the best research and evidence-base available.
Home Energy Saving Kit
Energy awareness is a key part of our work and our award-winning Home Energy Saving Kit is available to borrow, free of charge, from over 200 public libraries across Ireland. The kit contains five tools to help you measure how your home is using energy, where energy might be escaping and how you can make easy changes to start saving right away.
Find out more about the Home Energy Saving KitLocal engagement of Decarbonising Zones
We support the Dublin Local Authorities in developing and rolling-out best-practice engagement and participation strategies for communities within their Decarbonising Zones. These Decarbonising Zones are chosen by the local authorities to identify solutions to improve energy use, reduce emissions and address climate needs within specific areas. Recognising that no two areas are the same, we use a tailored, place-based approach, so that solutions are co-created by the community, for the community. This ensures the process reflects the needs of those living and working in these neighbourhoods, while being informed by best-in-class evidence.
Find out more about our DZ engagement work