Understanding the impact of a transition to net-zero on communities in Dublin

A new report commissioned by Codema was launched today exploring the impact that the energy transition may have on communities in Dublin at risk of being left behind in the energy transition.

Drone image of Dublin city

The report, ‘Understanding the Impact of a Transition to Net-Zero on Communities in Dublin’, was commissioned as part of the Zero Together initiative, which aims to bring citizens, businesses and organisations together to move Dublin away from fossil fuels as quickly and as fairly as possible.

Through a mapping exercise, the research identifies communities across Dublin who are most likely to be negatively impacted by the transition to net zero. To better understand the needs of people in these areas, interviews and focus groups were conducted with members of the communities, exploring the ways that they feel the necessary changes will impact on their lives.

The report, carried out by Think-tank for Action on Social Change (TASC), uncovered barriers to taking action on climate change in some of Dublin’s most vulnerable communities, and ways these communities can be better supported in future. The report also puts forward recommendations for effective engagement with communities as Dublin moves away from fossil fuels.

Download the report